A “Green Card” is a shorthand expression for a Lawful Permanent Resident Card (or Form I-551). Having a Green Card is an unrestricted authorization to live and to work throughout the United States. The advantages of a Green Card include, among other benefits:
Obviously, the benefits of having a Green Card include much more than the elimination of the threat of being deported hanging over your head 24 hours a day. It is for this reason that a Green Card is sought after by so many people. If would like to explore the possibility of obtaining a Green Card, contact our office for answers to your questions.
While a Green Card is not available to all immigrants to the US, there are numerous categories of those who are eligible to apply. They include:
The above categories are not exhaustive. They include, among others, a number of categories of those eligible under various laws directed toward immigrants from certain countries, those suffering various forms of abuse, certain diplomats, and others. In any case, you may, depending upon your status, need a particular visa before you are eligible under one or more of the above categories.
Provided that you are eligible for a Green Card, eligibility does not in and of itself lead to the issuance of Permanent Resident status. You must also be physically present in the US for a specified period and apply for a Green Card. The application required is Form I-485, an 18-page form which requests answers to a host of questions regarding your past and present circumstances.
Green Cards are generally valid for 10 years (2 years for conditional residents), after which they must be renewed. If you have a Green Card, you may still run afoul of the immigration laws to the extent that the Green Card may be revoked. There are numerous potential factual bases for this. They include:
If you are facing the revocation of your Green Card, call us to find out how our firm can help.
Obtaining a Green Card is the dream of many immigrants to the US. We know the law and how optimize your chance of obtaining and avoiding revocation of a Green Card for yourself and/or your family member(s). Call us today at (602)560-3131 to speak to an experienced Phoenix immigration lawyer to obtain accurate information regarding Green Card issues.