Castañeda Immigration is committed to confidentiality and to protecting your privacy Our Privacy Policy covers how we deal with information we receive through our website. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, they may be directed to
If you contact Castañeda Immigration Law through our website, we ask that you provide certain information to us, including your general legal needs, as well as certain personal identifiable information such as your name and email address. You may also decide to provide additional information. Any information you provide will be reviewed by us, and we may use that information determine our response to your inquiry, and to contact you concerning that response. Your name, address, email, other contact information, employer, and any information you provide us regarding any request for legal services will be kept confidential.
The fact that you have contacted us through our website, and/or that we have responded, does mean that our firm represents you, and we may decline to represent you if we deem it appropriate. Submitting an inquiry, through our website or otherwise, does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the firm or any attorney employed by the firm.
If you no longer wish to receive communication from our firm, email with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line.
While we make reasonable efforts to protect your information, you are providing us with information via unencrypted email. As a result, we urge you to avoid including sensitive and confidential information when communicating with us through email or through our website.
Castañeda Immigration Law may collect IP address from those who contact us through our website. We utilize this information in order to allow us to understand who contacts our firm, the frequency of their visits, and which portions of our website are visited most often. We do this in order to improve our website content.
Our website uses cookies. These are files that the website uses for purposes of identification. The information contained in a cookie can include your user information, which can be utilized to track the pages visited by you on our website. Any personal information contained in these cookies is supplied by you. That information is used for site registration and related purposes when you access our website in the future.
We may also use cookies for the purpose of tracking the traffic patterns of those who visit our website. This allows us to better determine how useful the information contained in our website is to our users and to examine how well the structure of the website functions in assisting users in accessing that information. You should be aware that cookies cannot read the information on your hard drive.
If your web browser notifies you when cookies are being used, it will ordinarily give you a choice to accept or reject the cookies while your are browsing. You may be able to set your browser alerts to provide you with a warning before accepting the cookies, and to give you the choice to accept them or not. You can refuse the cookies, although if you do, some of the web pages may not function fully, and certain information on the website may not be available to you.
Castañeda Immigration Law does not provide a means for users to delete personal information provided to us through our website.
Our website contains links to other sites. We provide this information as a convenience to those who visit our site, but we assume no responsibility for the content of those sites or to their privacy policies.
Castañeda Immigration Law reserves the right to make any changes, modifications, or updates to our Privacy Policy at any time without notice. If there are changes concerning how we use your personal information, any such changes will be posted on our website.